Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Monster's at Play

Today was my first appointment with my regular OB Gyn. His name is Dr. Custodio and boy was he excited to hear the news considering just last September he had preformed my laporoscopy and referred Rob and I to Dr. Robbins. I got weighed and I haven't gained a thing :) I got to watch a video about not smoking and drinking and who knew but NO DELI MEAT?!?! This is a sad day because I love my sub sandwiches. I have never heard of listeria until today. I was fortunate enough to see the little monsters on an ultrasound. One was moving around like crazy and the other was happy sleeping in it's corner. They are perfect and I couldn't help but get a little emotional seeing them so active on the screen. Already I can see they have little personalities. Today I found out what glowing means because I couldn't stop grinning all day. I have to tell you all that the nurse told me how lucky I am for having my morning sickness only last a couple weeks. She said that most multiple pregnancies sickness last until 20 weeks....eh could you imagine?!? I do however have the case of the burps...which is extremely embarrassing...no soda for me. Other than that the 3 of us are having a good 10 week time together. I will be referred to a high risk doctor and I should get to meet him in the next two weeks. On with our adventure...count down to the 2nd Trimester...2 weeks to go :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Synthetically Hormone FREE

It is official after a blood draw today I am making my own progesterone :) I am no longer a slave to my husbands hand at the needle. My back side is so thankful!!! It has been a great week for me too...Slowly but surely I am getting energy back and am able to eat more than french fries and yogurt. I have my first doctor's appointment with my regular OB GYN on Tuesday of next week. I (ironically) get to take a hour long class all about pregnancy before I see my doctor. Boy if I have no clue about pregnancy at 10 weeks after going through IVF I am in real trouble. What woman doesn't google symptoms and pregnancy information until they are scared out of their whits. (oh is that just me?!?) I have googled everything from excessive burping to what should I eat. These sites will make you crazy!!! Can I just say that the book "What to expect when your expecting" did not need to put a section in there about not drinking and no marijuana use...seriously?!?! If you have gone to the book store to read up on your pregnancy I would hope that you wouldn't be sucking down a beer while smoking a joint...I guess I could be wrong. At least that portion of the book gave me a real good laugh! Things are moving along smoothly and I am learning A LOT! So bear with me on this part of the journey...it's all GREEK to me!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bye Bye Dr. Robbins

Yesterday unknown to us was our final ultrasound with Dr. Robbins. Thankfully I was so sick yesterday morning that Rob had to drive me to Spokane. We got to hear two beautiful heart beats. They look comfortable in there. I got my usual call from LeAnn about my progesterone and HCG levels and she also gave the wonderful news that the babies measured at 8 weeks yesterday and we are ready to go on to our regular Doctor. I am so excited that we have made it this far and nervous too. I am nervous because I have been monitored so closely the last couple months that I am not going to be used to having very little ultrasound time with my little monsters. My doctor is amazing though and I cannot wait to give him the fabulous news. The monsters have also been intersting this week in that they are making me very sick but yet sending me to the bakery in Yokes to look for red velvet cake. Thankfully the bakery only does that kind for special order...Cake ...really?!? So no more weekly updates about ultrasounds but I will try to update our weekly progress through morning sickness and eating splurges :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I have been taken hostage by my own body this week. I didn't know that it was happening until Thursday when I finally submitted and lost complete control. I realize that I had been told by many that I should listen to my body but stubbornly I refused and lost a HUGE battle. It started last Friday with a little nausea and quickly progressed into a week of complete agony. On Thursday I finally surrendered and stayed home from work and let the sleep take a hold of me. I also was forced to make a HUGE sacrifice to the porcelain god. Thank goodness I cleaned that toilet recently. It was also when I lost all dignity l had left. The alien beings inside me now tell me when to sleep and eat. If I do not obey these beings they get very angry and force me to endure pain I have never felt before. So when my Mom told me to listen to my body it would tell me what I needed. I should have listened. I woke up this morning and had a yogurt first thing and followed it up with french toast. As long as I do what they say everything is ok.....for now. I get to hear their heartbeats on Monday morning. I hope they start being nicer to me real soon. I love you little monsters!