Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just keeps getting better.......

I am having just TONS of fun now that I have hit 32 weeks. I have developed Cholestasis of pregnancy which effects the liver and makes your tummy, feet and hands itch like crazy. Bonus is that I get to take 2 horse pills 2 times a day WHOO HOO...I also had a recent visit to the Labor and Delivery AKA birthing center at KADLEC hospital on Monday after leaving work early due to contractions. Funny thing is that we had our tour of that facility scheduled for the next morning at 7 am but this was more of a hands on approach to the lovely staff and environment. I was having a TON of contractions and the doctor gave me a fabulous shot of Demerol and an injection of steroids that was followed by another the next day YOWZA those hurt ...Thank goodness for all those Progesterone shots or I would have been a HUGE baby getting these shots. I was also prescribed Procardia which is suppose to help minimize the contractions. I am still having them but they are not as painful and regular. The next day with a wonderful visit to my doctor who  had a deer in the head lights look (not what a pregnant lady wants to see at 32 weeks) I am now on modified bed rest. I can honestly say after just 2 days I have no idea how I worked 40 hours a week up until this point. My little outing to Starbucks today required a 45 minute bath...I am exhausted and emotional. I cannot imagine making it to 37 weeks. The little guys however are doing fabulous...I have no new weights to give because apparently that is not important to the doctors at this point. I did how ever required my doctor to check my cervix and I am dilated 1 centimeter and 75 effaced....I realize now how proactive I am going to have to be at this point in my pregnancy because my doc is going off statistics and I know my body better than he does. So there is my little rant on doctors for the day. On a lighter note we are closer to finding Baby B's name....We have decided to keep the name a secret until delivery because although we love all of your opinions when it comes down to it they are our babies :) Wish me luck....I am going to need it!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Things you never want to hear while pregnant with TWINS!

I am standing at the counter at the doctors office and a pregnant women looks over at me and says "Please tell me that your due any day now"
Me "Nope, I have 10 more weeks"

Doc "Congratulations your measuring full term....for one baby"

Me "I am really uncomfortable and it justs keeps getting worse"
Doc "Well the babies look good so it just SUCKS to be you" Nicely put...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thing 1 and Thing 2 Shower

The Shower on Saturday August 6th was great! I want to thank Ali Roseburg for all the decorations and beautiful theme ...Also I want to thank my Sister Katie and Katie whitaker for helping make this a very fun day. I have wonderful friends and family and you all have been super supportive during our pregnancy...I can say that we are prepared if the boys show up tomorrow....not ready be any means :) but definitely prepared!