Monday, February 7, 2011


This morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m. in anticipation of this glorious day...and I waited ...and I waited...and I waited. Why would you make someone wait until 8:45am in the morning to let them know if they got their transfer today or not..oh yeah business hours :) So I got the call and they told me to drink 32 ounces of water from 10:15-10:30 and show up at 11:30 a.m. So I jumped in my Escape and headed North to Spokane with a little stop off in Connell to pick up my darling husband from his work. Everything is going great until I hit the ruts in the Spokane road and WOW 32 ounces of water can feel like a tank...So we get to the clinic and they send us back to our room to change into gowns and wait. Thankfully they let me relieve a little bit of my bladder while we waited. Our doctor came in and brought us a picture of our Embryo's. he said that is was very good that we ended up with 2 Grade 1 embryo's. The other 2 embies are questionable?!? hmmm yeah we will wait and see. So then we waited and waited until it was my turn!!! So they took me back to the "Clean" room and took an ultrasound of my bladder and it was HUGE. They had me relieve a little more and we were all set. I got to watch as they disinfected my cervix (nice hunh) but I got to see our petry dish on the monitor with our two embryo's and our name. I watched them put the embryo's in my uterus and honestly I cried all day. I have wanted this for so long it is amazing what kind of emotion it brings. I go back on Saturday to check my Estrogen and Progesterone levels. They we go back on the 16th for blood to find out if they are sticking. Thank you all for your fabulous support! We are very happy to have gotten to this point. Right now were are enjoying the ride!

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