Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The roller coaster....

Sleep? Who needs sleep? The last few weeks have been a whirl wind of emotions and exhaustion. The family has all left and now Rob and I are trying to figure out the ends and outs of our new life as parents of two boys. I have had my fair share of break downs and I know that Rob has seen his fair share of frustrating moments. The great thing is that we are in this together. Everyday has gotten easier..there are good days and bad days. Yesterday was a bad day...the boys wouldn't sleep and the crying never stopped. It is hard for me when Rob goes to work during the day because I feel absolutely helpless...but with the bad days there is good too. Today the boys and I took our first drive together. It went without a hitch and gave me confidence that I will get this down. It is still so new going from having no children to having two babies at one time. WOW I have a new found respect for women with multiple children. It truly is a test of your patience. You have to let go of being able to control all situations and let the babies cry sometimes...I mean moms only have two hands.

I love being a mommy! I have never been more proud of my little family. I am more in love with Rob now than ever before. He is the most amazing husband and father. I cannot wait to watch this family grow each and every day. We have had such a long year to get to this point! I cannot imagine life without these two beautiful babies...they have already enriched our lives in ways I cannot describe....

Can I say though that I miss long showers, mascara, sleep and the ability to leave the house at the drop of a hat. I know now what a privilege it was to have all those things for so long. I will cherish them in my memories forever!

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